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The triple jump is traditionally one of the most feared and unknown events. Due to its technical nature, the jump is many times overlooked. I have come to love this event and want to pass along some key information so that this event can grow to the levels of popularity I feel it deserves! Take your time, look over all aspects I provide you with on this site, research for other credible information sources online, buy books, watch videos, and leave the excuses behind you! It's time to dominate the triple jump - are you ready?!?!
The Hop Phase
This is the first phase in the triple jump and by many technical aspects the most important.
The phases that follow the hop (the step and jump) are important in their own right, but if an athlete cannot perform the hop phase correctly the rest of the triple jump is most likely going to fall short of its potential.
To begin, I cannot emphasize enough how different this takeoff phase is when compared to the long jump takeoff. In the long jump, you are supposed to drive your knee aggressively in an upward manner due to its added assistance with your objective to get vertical.
The triple jump takeoff should be a simple continuation of an athlete's sprinting (plus a small amount of vertical push) that is focused on an OUTWARD push vs. an upward one like in the long jump. The knee can be driven in this jump, it simply can't be driven aggressively upwards or the athlete will achieve too much height which leaves them at risk of injury.
The button below will redirect you to some visual resources and further explanations of the hop phase.
The Step Phase
This is the phase that sets the advanced jumpers apart from the lesser experienced jumpers. Veteran jumpers know how to control their bodies in the hop phase and thus put themselves in a better "position" to take full advantage of the step phase. Younger (lesser experienced) jumpers generally perform the hop phase incorrectly and/or don't have the strength needed to perform the step phase as it is intended.
If you are a high school athlete who can perform this phase at a high technical rate (while also keeping speed) you are going to be ahead of eighty to ninety percent of your competitors!
What many high school triple jumpers don't know is that while in flight they must be very intentional about where they place their non-jump leg. That leg becomes incredibly important when attempting the step phase and must be swung aggressively to maximize distance. There can be no wasted movements or loss of forward momentum or the jump will most likely fall short of expectations. All of this must be done while also performing a proper hop phase, keeping proper posture, utilizing proper arm movements/actions, and exercising patience while in the air during each phase.
This is why the triple jump is such an amazing event. Not only must a jumper learn how to properly perform each phase in connection with one another, but also must display his/her athleticism in countless ways throughout the jump simply to complete a qualifying mark. It's absolutely beautiful to watch in action!
To learn more about the step phase click the button below to be redirected.
The Jump Phase
Of the three phases this is (in my opinion) the easiest, but still has its challenges!
Once the athlete lands his/her step phase they must perform the jump phase (which closely mirrors the step phase). The major difference between this phase and the ones that came before it is the fact that a different foot will be utilized. Again, I suggest that athletes come off of their "weaker" leg for this phase but that is something I will leave for coaches and athletes to discuss.
Simply put, athletes and coaches should look at this phase as a glorified long jump. By looking at this phase in that light, athletes are better able to understand the proper finalization of this event and hopefully take all of their training in flight and landing to extend their jumps as far as possible.
To learn more click on the button below!
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