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Periodized training is something that helps athletes to "peak at the right time."  As well, period training ensures you don't push your athletes too hard at inappropriate times of the year/season.  Many of the largest programs use a periodized approach to training.  I personally feel that following it's suggested approaches is extremely beneficial not only in the weight room, but also on the track or at the pits!

What is Periodization?

Periodization can be very confusing.  I myself am still working hard to fully understand it, and am looking to take as much training on it as possible due to it's great importance/potential.  In the past few years I have gradually added more of it to my program, and in the past two seasons I've had athletes make it to the Wisconsin state track and field meet to compete in the jumps.  I believe there is a direct link to how we've changed our training habits to reflect the periodization model to what we've been able to experience/accomplish at the most important time in our season.  Here is a picture of what periodization (in it's simplest form) is:

On the bottom of this image you can see the phases that periodization follows.  The first phase is called "general" and is the time to build general strength for competition.  During this phase athletes don't work much technique but simply prepare for the "pounding" that is sure to come during the season.  The next phase, the "special phase", is the beginning of practices being technique-driven and not solely centered on building strength/endurance.  During this phase athletes need to lower their overall volume of work so that they are properly prepared for the next phase - the "competition phase".  During this next phase coaches and athletes need to use meet experience to help drive their technical focuses at practice.  As well, intensity during this time must be at it's highest point of the season - not only at competitions but also mentally so that the athlete is properly prepared for the postseason.  The last phase is the "transition phase" and is simply the phase that happens after the conclusion of a season.  This phase is extremely important as the athlete needs to properly recover from a season of hard work and dedication.  Make sure your athletes take this phase seriously because it is needed to make continual advancements.  There is much more to learn about these phases of training - check out my plans below to get a better picture!

Sample Periodized Plans

Using the various resources that I've found/purchased over the past few seasons (2017) I've created two different plans - a whole-team plan, and a jumpers-specific plan.  These plans were my first attempt in creating such a plan, and are being updated regularly when additional (new) information presents itself.  Use the given resources below to better understand periodization, but watch for my upcoming book to be published to learn even more!

Periodization for jumps

Whole team periodization

Other Articles/Resources About Periodization That I Did Not Create

A web search for resources related to periodization will turn up a number of different results.  Below I have added the few that I personally found to be the most informative.  As well, under the resource page, I mentioned a book called "Peak When It Counts" by William H. Freeman.  I highly recommend you try to find a copy if periodization is a topic of interest!

Periodization for Jumpers

Long Jump Training

Periodization made simple

Long Jump Organization

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