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Day 13 - Long and Triple Season Plans

Coach Ewing

Today was a recovery day and we had a great session with the kids! The day started with our daily sprint warm up with the kids. After they were done we had a long discussion with them about something called RPR (Reflexive Performance Reset). Another coach (Joel Block) and I went to a training last year and were highly impressed, so much so that I created a presentation about it and used it today to lead our recovery session. Basically, RPR is a way to "reset" your central nervous system so that everything "fires better". I was reset last February, and literally felt 15 years younger once I got off the table - it's for real!

We discussed that today was simply going to be a test to see what their thoughts were on the program. We discussed how RPR is not a miracle tool. It's another resource to use when aches and pains arrive, but cannot be seen as some fix-all routine/program. Kids needed to know this (in my opinion) so that they continue to warm up properly - EVERY DAY - instead of thinking that RPR is all they need to do.

As coach Block and I were talking to the group they seemed apprehensive and unsure about the program - which I completely identified with since I too was very skeptical at first.

As we began the presentation/routine (that I created by using the general reset "movements/actions") the kids started to make "oohs" and "aahhhs" on a regular basis. They started vocally expressing their astonishment that rubbing the base of their skull could make their glutes feel relaxed and more flexible (just one example). They started buying in just as coach Block and I had last year! It was extremely refreshing to hear their positive feedback and notice of it's benefits!

What was even more surprising/satisfying was that afterwards the kids were "abuzz" about how much lighter/bouncier they felt. They left to go to either their event groups or the weight room and couldn't stop their discussion of the routine and how different they felt! The benefits are well known by me, but to hear others affirm that they too see/feel the benefits it makes it all worth it!

We as a staff aren't afraid in the least to try things that others might deem to be "out there". We will do all it takes to make our athletes better and keep them healthy!

After RPR I had a video breakdown discussion day with my long jumpers. Just know this, visual work is a MUST in jump training. If you want to keep your athletes healthy while also training them to be their best, visual work is the answer - more to come on this in the future.


Pool workout!

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